I have listed a new property at Twp Rd 1020 in Rural Northern Lights M.D.. See details here
4 separate parcels of public lands converting to private titles SELLING BY TIMED ONLINE AUCTION Friday March 21 to Thursday March 27. 4 Quarter sections of agriculturally capable property. Land is relatively level with some gentle undulation. Adjacent lands have similar soils and are already fully under cultivation and cereal crop production. Mature natural trees and grasses form the majority of current foliage. 4 separate quarters to be sold individually are: SW-1-102-25-W5 (156 acres), SE-1-102-25-W5 (158 acres), NW-36-101-25-W5 (158 acres), NE-36-101-25-W5 (159 acres) Starting bid price subject to change. Property shall be sold unreserved to the highest bidder above the initial bid price. Purchase price is subject to GST if applicable. Selling price set by final successful auction bid amount. Listed price has no bearing on final sale price or starting price. Taxes not yet assigned. 6 additional parcels also for sale, MLS E4426215